Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ezal & Muna, 11 Nov 2006

Here's one of the 2 Malay wedding/ROM that I'm covering over the next 20 days. Malay weddings are really homely affairs (no puns intended) and simple - I enjoyed every bit of it.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Priceless Moments

Ok, haven't had the time to update the blog. Having done a whole chain of weddings for the past 2 weeks, it's time to take a short breather before another marathon of weddings comes on in December.

Here are some of my favourites from the last few weddings that I shot:

I really like this image for the priceless expression. Thankfully couple didn't pop the champange Michael Schumacher style.

Same wedding in Marriot hotel ballroom, which happens to be a venue that's really challenging for photographers - low lighting, high ceiling, spot light that changes in both colour and intensity. This shot was captured at the right moment when the spot light outlines the intimate body language of the couple.

Unlike film, digital has a much lower latitude thus making dramatic lighting technically very difficult to handle. When I created this image, I had in mine the aura around the bride and her father as they make their entrance into the church. Exposure is so critical that because we want to preserve those highlight details, at the same time, enough shadow details to see the faces.

This last one really takes the cake, the contrast between the 2 faces makes this a really priceless moment!

More photos on the series on details.